Friday, September 20, 2013

The Celestial Hemisphere

Tuesday evening I had the pleasure of attending one of the best Fellowcraft Degrees I've seen in a long time. Over the years this degree has become more of a favorite of mine, mainly because the lectures are so incredibly difficult and it always amazes me at how some of the brothers have mastered the lectures and made them their own.

In the section dealing with the Seven liberal Arts and Sciences there are some peculiar lines in explaining Astronomy.....We are taught that Astronomy is that Divine art by which we are taught to read the wisdom, strength, and beauty of the Almighty Creator in those sacred pages, the Celestial hemisphere.

Upon researching this passage several things come to light. To begin with, as we know Astronomy is the science that deals with the material universe beyond the Earth's atmosphere. This section of the lecture describes Astronomy as that Divine art. By using Divine the author is indicating that Astronomy is heavenly or celestial and that Astronomy blurs the line between science and art and although it is a science it is really a form of art based in science.

The passage continues on by saying.... we are taught to read the wisdom, strength, and beauty of the Almighty Creator in those sacred pages, the Celestial hemisphere

The above passage was a tough, tough stumbling block for me when studying this lecture and still is. For some reason I have had a tough time understanding what the author(s) is trying to say. Here is my feeble attempt to make some sense out of this sentence which contains a ton of information.

We are taught or knowledge and skill have been imparted to us to read.....or we have the skills to look at carefully and understand or apprehend and interpret the wisdom, strength, and beauty of the Almighty those sacred pages.......pertaining to or related to religion or connected with religion and regarded with reverence......a page is a noteworthy or significant event or period.....the Celestial hemisphere......the universe beyond the Earth's atmosphere.....hemisphere being the area in which something happens.

Once again the author(s) of the ritual have packed a multitude of meaning into a very small package.
Astronomy is a scientific form of art dedicated to the study of the universe or outer space as we have come to know it. While the study of the stars, planets, and galaxies take us closer to God, we learn that it is a Divine art. As we read or recognize the wisdom, strength, and beauty of the Supreme Architect....we too recognize that the Celestial hemisphere is truly close to the Supreme Architect of the Universe......while we are now able to view the whole sphere or galaxy....during the writing of the ritual I think they were only able to discern a hemisphere or the covering directly above us...when there was an entire universe all around us.

When we speak of the universality of Masonry it is truly all around us.....some parts are quite visible...while other parts are a world away but still existent......this is a mighty powerful fraternity with endless brothers I feel we have only scratched the surface.....have fun while you study our great ritual.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Growing Pains

The term growing pains seems to get used to describe a variety of things. It's been a number of years since most of us were in our teens and maybe slightly less than that for our children and in some cases grandchildren. Hopefully there are a few out there that may have recently experienced the growing pains and are anticipating the growing pains of their own children.

The term, growing pains, seems to fit quite nicely in describing the current state of the fraternity in our state of Michigan. It seems that we are in that strange sort of contraction area between being too big in certain areas and not big enough in others.

As we move forward, we realize we are not poised to take on the tasks involved in growing this fraternity. When we say a lodge is growing, what does that mean exactly? .... or when we say the fraternity is growing what does that mean?

Growing is quite subjective.......a lodge can be growing in their ritualistic performance, a lodge can be growing in number of members, a lodge can be growing by their involvement in the community, a lodge can be growing in the number of members who actively attend lodge meeting and functions.

It is a very hard thing to measure and everyone has their own interpretation.

We are currently going through some realigning of the districts in the entire state of Michigan. There seems to be only one question regarding this and that is.....why?

There are several good reasons for realigning, although the current thought is divided on the new boundaries. The number one reason is that the Board of General Purposes in having 53 reps had some questionable members on the board....many of whom took the job because nobody else wanted it, they were railroaded, or they were the last man standing, etc.

So, do we really want brothers acting as representatives merely to fill a position or do we want brothers in those position who will help lead the local lodges and this great fraternity as we move forward. Years ago there were probably fewer districts than the new 28, the days when brothers like WB Bob McClellan, and WB Jerry Miller were board reps and had numerous lodges to represent.

Not that long ago GM was on the brink of extinction, they did some downsizing and belt tightening and emerged on the other side leaner, stronger, more efficient, and ready to grow. My thought is that this great fraternity will emerge leaner, stronger, more efficient and ready to grow.....not just in numbers of members but growing in community involvement, personal growth, integrity, and in quality.

Random Thoughts

It's been too long since I've posted anything. Given that business is booming, finally, it's a little tough to do much research. However, there are a couple of things that seem to be running through my head as of late.

Although in 2012 the Grand Lodge of Michigan for the first time in 50+ years had positive growth in membership, yet there is still grumblings about how the fraternity is shrinking and on the verge of becoming non existent.

My reply to that is one word which has become very popular as of late---REALLY????

In my own lodge we are normally dark during July and August...but this year we've had a regular in July and degree work on most of the subsequent lodge nights for the whole month of July.

Again, rumblings....we've always had the summer off.....we've never done it this way before....really?

So, we complain that we're not growing and when we do have an opportunity to grow we complain because we've never done work in July. This brings up the old cliche of having one's cake and eating it too.

Our latest EA is a young man in his twenties....he got interested in Freemasonry through research on the internet.....seems his grandfather was a Mason, his father is not, but he has a very strong interest....hmmmm....where have I heard this before....hmmmmmm

Another thing which is constantly on my mind lately is the discussion regarding the fabric of our nation....what our nation has evolved into, in comparison to the principles it was founded upon. We are somewhat privileged in knowing that the country was founded on the same principles that our fraternity was founded upon.

It's pretty neat to know that our nation and our fraternity started with the same core foundational principles.....of course our fraternity had the opportunity to grow for about 60 years before forming this great nation of the Unite States of America.

Again.....there are plenty of dooms-sayers that claim our country is in it's last days and that we will cease to exist......but our country being founded on the same principles as our craft can and will be tested and stretched to the limits....but....our country and our fraternity are things larger than us...both having been created on such strong foundations that they will not meet their demise, although both will be tested to the limit....I believe both will survive and become stronger than ever.