We speak quite often of brotherly love in the teachings in lodge. From time to time we have the pleasure of seeing it exemplified in real life. This past Monday I attended the Eastern Star installation of officers at Mt.Morris.
The installation was very nice and very well done. Literally just minutes before the beginning of the installation, a young woman rushed into the Blue room and left her purse with a brother and his wife. When the corps of officers came in this young woman was in the lineup.
If I'm not mistaken she assumed the Star point of Ruth, which was formerly held by the late Sharon Trarop, who was the mostly lovely, giving woman one could ever meet.
After the installation I was near the door of the dining hall talking with another brother. WB Bill Trarop, Sharon's husband, excused himself and said that he would be right back, he was running home quickly and would return.
When WB Bill returned, he had a purple Eastern Star blouse which had been Sharon's. Bill wanted the young woman who had just been installed in the Star point of Ruth....incidentally the young woman who had been installed, is a very new member and didn't have the purple blouse like most of the other officers.
WB Bill presented the blouse to the young woman who was sitting at our table.....I'm sure that it was difficult for Bill to let go....yet he knew the young woman needed it and would make Sharon proud.
I doubt if there was a dry eye at the table.....what a wonderful example of brotherly love from a brother to a sister in the Order of Eastern Star. Without a doubt it was one of the most touching things I've ever seen anywhere period.
My hope is that we can all experience this first hand, and even be the giver instead of the observer.