Saturday, May 11, 2019

Thoughts from A Country Mouse Attorney

The following article was written by our current Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master of Masons in Michigan, WB Mark Manning.

To use his often used phrase, WB Mark is a simple country mouse attorney. In addition to being a fine attorney he will soon be our Grand Master of Masons in Michigan.

In his brief article which was posted on social media, he delves into the cyclical nature of fraternities and societies as a whole.

It is indeed refreshing to see retrospection and a vision of where we need to go and how to get there as a fraternity.

Well said WB Mark.

Freemasonry my Brother, arose out of of the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Enlightenment and the Industrial Age. In each epoch of history Freemasonry has led and we have had an impact. It is the oldest Fraternal Organization.
We are now, my Brothers in the Information Age. That began in the late 1950’s and Freemasonry has struggled in this age, as have all traditional fraternal, church and social organizations with declining membership and participation.
Contrary to popular conceptions that the Information age would “bring us together” , we have become more polarized, more tribal, less apt to join, less accepting, less civil, more divided by race, creed and economics, less respecting of differences of opinion, more isolated.. Civility and good character have fallen victim. Materialism reigns. According to public polling and surveys common respect for institutions of law, government and business have fallen. i submit this is in direct correlation to the decline of participation in our Fraternal organizations and community character.
The time to change this is now. Restoring the Fraternal character of America is imperative. We have a mission to rise to. Obviously, no one is perfect, but striving to be better as a human being and doing the right thing is paramount.
Freemasonry since its inception in 1717 or before strives to bring good men of every race, color, creed, economic and social position together on the level of equality, under a fatherhood of God, for at least a short period of time, to set aside their temporal differences, to act as Brothers, to seek a more humane, loving and charitable existence for ourselves, our homes, families, workplaces and communities. We seek to improve our character, to be better sons, fathers, husbands, co-workers, and citizens. To strive to make the world we live in a better place to be. We can disagree, yet not be disagreeable.
Regardless of fraternal affiliation, Knight of Columbus, Freemasonry, Elks, VFW, Moose, FOP, Eagles, don't we all seek to make our members better and to seek a newer and better world? We need to promote better men, husbands, fathers and leaders.