Friday, November 11, 2011

Birch Run #514

Traveled out to Birch Run #514 last evening. Birch Run had two Entered Apprentice candidates which were brought to light in fine fashion. I filled in as a steward....first time in a very long time, what an awesome way to observe a degree, I had forgotten how enjoyable that can be. The Entered Apprentice degree to me is the most inspiring degree. To be able to assist a man in becoming a brother is truly an honor and privilege.

Sometimes we wonder why we do what we do. I know when arriving at the lodge last night I was questioning myself. My thought was; why am I here? It became abundantly clear after getting into the swing of things and filling in as a steward. The reason for my visit was to not only assist in bringing two men to light but the preservation of the craft and the institution of Freemasonry. Also to reaffirm my obligation and commitment to the building of this great Fraternity.

Unfortunately I had to leave after the first section. Two things really made me feel good as I left. First and foremost, the huge smiles on both of the new brothers. Secondly one of the elder Past Masters came out to where I was putting my apron away, he extended his hand and said, " Brother I just want to thank you for coming out and giving us a hand tonight." Instantly I knew why I was there.

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