Wednesday, January 18, 2012

More Words..........

Good Morning Brothers......traveled to Goodrich Lodge last night for a Fellowcraft Degree. A real enjoyable evening in Masonry. While talking with WB Gil we discussed some words and their meanings, this conversation was spurred by our discussion yesterday about inviolate.....thus the definitions shared today.

I'm sure that most of you have heard.............evinces the admirable contrivance of nature show clearly; make evident or manifest; prove
               to reveal the possession of a quality, trait, etc...

Admirable....inspiring approval, reverence or affection; excellent; first-rate

Contrivance....something contrived; a device, especially a mechanical one
                      obviously planned

Nature...the universe, with all its phenomena

In conclusion this phrase deals with the eye....not only in man but in all of nature's creation it deals with the structure of the eye and it's appurtenances......a term for what belongs to and goes with and less significant than what it belongs to....that's a bonus definition lets sum all this up

.....clearly shows and proves the first-rate quality of this mechanical device in the phenomena of nature

the eye is probably never thought of as mechanical but it is a mechanical device of nature....consisting of various forms of tissue, cells, etc....most creatures have eyes or some type of visual device......ponder well the lessons of this hour my brothers........

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