Monday, January 14, 2013

Grave ????

A special thank you goes out to WB Dale Kuehn, Regional Grand Lecturer for 2A....a former Ancient District 20 brother I might add for the following contribution.

     During the Fellowcraft degree Lecture we refer to music as one of the sciences.  In this portion of the lecture we refer to acute, grave and mixed sounds?

    Wow a grave sound? 
    I always thought that the grave was west of Mt. Moriah? I was corrected by a very knowledgeable DDI who had himself been corrected by a retired Professor of Music.  This retired Professor taught at one of our States finer Universities.  He clearly understood the proper use of the word Grave.  I myself included have been pronouncing this word wrong all along (shame on me). 
Definition: Adjective; slowly; with solemnity
Proper pronunciation: gra veh
Also Known As: Music that sounds serious and is played slowly.
Italian for "slow and serious"
Not: grāv which is a Noun; a place of burial for a dead body, typically a hole dug in the ground and marked by a stone or mound!)

    Our ancient brothers who set up our ritual clearly understood the words and their meanings. It always amazes me at what words they chose and understood.  If we would just dig a little deeper into some of the lectures and their meanings we would understand a lot more and continue on teaching new brothers about the history of our ritual.

    So how will you pronounce the word grave in a future lecture?  I know how I will!

Dale Kuehn, RGL2A

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