Thursday, October 27, 2011

Geometry or the fifth science

Here we go much meaning in one word. This word.....founded......comes from the Fellowcraft lecture dealing with the 7 liberal arts and sciences, specifically Geometry or the fifth science. That word me always seemed awkward and not proper.....until doing some research and wouldn't you know that it is properly used and appears to have a double meaning.

found 1  (found)
tr.v. found·ed, found·ing, founds
1. To establish or set up, especially with provision for continuing existence: The college was founded in 1872.
2. To establish the foundation or basis of; base: found a theory on firm evidence.
found 2  (found)
tr.v. found·ed, found·ing, founds
1. To melt (metal) and pour into a mold.
2. To make (objects) by pouring molten material into a mold.
So.......Masonry was set up with many provisions for continuing existence.....with the foundation found in the theory of Geometry as firm evidence.......and that Masonry was formed from Geometry......this is getting a little deep but I'm sure you will agree that our forefathers put much thought, study, and experience in writing the ritual.....and we must be careful to keep it intact for future generations.
*definitions from:

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