Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Social Network

Today the term "Social Network" has become a mainstay in the American version of English and the pop culture of America and most of the world. News has come our way insisting that social networks such as Facebook prompted, organized, and carried some of the uprisings in the Arab world.

Owing to my advanced age I can remember the days before computers were everywhere. Freemasonry was one of the original social networks long before the marvels of today's computer age became so prevalent. Freemasonry provided a means for networking and building social acquaintances and friendships with like minded men. Freemasonry still provides that old fashioned face to face social networking which has been effective through generations.

We learn from many of the younger men who are joining our fraternity that they have done research regarding our organization and in many instances know more of our history than we do. However, the one thing which seems to be a common thread with these young men is that they are intrigued by our history and tradition and are seeking to belong to something with like minded men. They realize that there is a whole new world of social networking beyond the glare of their computer monitor.

........thus was man formed for the social and active life, the noblest part of the work of God

1 comment:

Kirk Bielski said...

its true dave,

recently been following some good masonic tweets on twitter such as:
@masonictraveler, @DCScottishRite,@FreemasonNet, @masonicesoteric....these brother are from all over the country! also a few good authors ive been following:
@Lonmiloduquette, @Dr Robert Lomas.............get on twitter and check them out!