First of all I would like to congratulate WB Norm Anderson on achieving his Master Ritualist status on the tender age of 81. WB Norm has worked tirelessly for the craft and is very deserving of this distinction.
There are many schools of thought on this program. Some brothers know all of the work and feel that the award doesn't hold any great meaning, they feel that they demonstrate their abilities by doing the work. Others feel that it is harder to attain than it actually is. Another group looks at it as a personal challenge and because of their love of the craft want to achieve it for personal and private reasons.
As a holder of the award it was simply a personal challenge and my love of the ritual that prompted me to achieve it. Although a Master Ritualist, it's very hard for me to present a part without 1 or 2 days preparation. However, there are others such as WB Gil, WB Jim Williams, WB Dale Kuehne, WB Al Hunter, WB Norm and many others who can on a moments notice perform parts with grace and eloquence.
Overall I think it's a great program and every brother should embrace it. Although the program is not for every brother, that does not discount it's validity and importance. The brothers who hold this distinction have done it because of their love of the craft and proving to themselves that they are able to display that love through a very outward demonstration. Congratulations again to WB Norm who should serve as an example to all who love the craft.
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