Yesterday was a bit unusual. To start off Monday morning we had no heat at work, apparently a part on the boiler decided to stop working over the weekend.
So, after work I stopped by and picked up a traveling brother and we headed out to Linden Lodge #132 for a Fellowcraft degree. We joked about the last time we visited, the parking lot was packed as usual, we parked a ways out from the building and witnessed 3 large deer meandering through the parking lot, not sure if they were cowans or eavesdroppers.
As we got closer to the lodge building it appeared that the lights were not appeared that way because they were not on. The lodge was without electricity....notice I didn't say power....but no electricity. The lodge had plenty of power. Brothers were milling about with candles, flashlights, lanterns, and cell phones.
Because of work, we missed the dinner but I guess they got most of the way through dinner before losing electricity. The brothers sprang into action and out came the candles, flashlights and so forth. We proceeded upstairs to confer the Fellowcraft Degree on one candidate.
The lodge room was lit with candles primarily and a few battery powered lanterns. The lodge room took on a very close and intimate feel....and after a short time ones eyes began to adjust and it wasn't that bad. The lodge was opened in fine fashion and the degree work proceeded as normal.
Also, it was unusually quiet on the sidelines and the degree went somewhat flawlessly. I couldn't help but think that as we gathered to give an Entered Apprentice more light in Maonry by passing him to the Fellowcraft Degree....that the ones who truly received more light in Masonry were the 52+ brothers in attendance.
This was definitely one for the story books of all the Masons in attendance. The degree proceed on through the lectures and right on to the final charge when the electricity came back on. I think many of us would have preferred for the lights to be shut off and finish by candlelight.
Sitting there in the warm glow of candles I couldn't help but think about the brothers of prior generations who conferred degrees in this manner as routinely as we do with the aid of electrical lights. It also proved that the craft and the Fraternity is bigger and stronger than man's inventions.
Another stirring thing was that out of the 52+ brothers in attendance probably about 40 remained throughout all of the lectures, the middle chamber and right down to the final charge. I think that with the warm glow of candles and the quietness in the lodge room, many brothers heard the lectures of the Fellowcraft Degree in a way they had never experienced it....with a renewed attentiveness seldom if ever equaled in their Masonic journey.
Definitely one for the story tellers out there....but just a great night.....and one brother received more light in Masonry by virtue of the degree he received.....and over 50 brothers received more light from the glow of a few candles than they have in many years by witnessing the degree.....just a fine night in Michigan Masonry!!
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