Monday, October 31, 2011

Another Great Reunion

Wow !! Another great weekend in Masonry. The Valley of Bay City held their reunion this past Friday & Saturday at the cathedral in Bay City and a good time was had by all.

The class consisted of 10 new inductees to the Valley of Bay City, these brothers achieved the 32nd degree in Masonry under the auspices of the Northern Jurisdiction of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.

It was also refreshing to see so many brothers in attendance to witness the degrees and the fine work portrayed by the brothers of the Valley of Bay City. We were privileged to have the Deputy for the State of Michigan, Illus.David Bedwell in attendance along with Illus.William Dover and Illus.Walt Wheeler who are both Active Members of the Supreme Council and Illus. Jerry Thorpe Emeritus Active Member.

Grand Master Fred Kaiser, the Grand Master of Masons in Michigan was in attendance on Saturday along with 5 or 6 Past Grand Masters. The class was named after Illus. William Gregory, Treasurer Emeritus whose family visited with us during the Saturday luncheon. The luncheon was emceed by the world famous Illus.Rodney Adams who also filled in as class director during Scott Hapworth's absence. Rodney brought many nice remarks and stories and William's son gave a short history of his father's accomplishments in and out of the fraternity. The luncheon was extremely well attended, perhaps the best crowd in several years.

The class was very attentive and engaged during the portrayal of the various degrees. The Valley of Bay City can rest assured that the quality of ritual work is first class. Everyone reminisces about the class sizes of old. Well those are nice memories, but we have to continue to focus on the here and now and the future. It's the age old adage of how one eats an piece at a time. Overall a very successful weekend and I feel that we are on the verge of great things.

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