Thursday, October 27, 2011

Byron #80

We had a great evening out at Byron Lodge #80 Wednesday evening. The Fellowcraft degree was conferred on two young brothers. The evening started with a Pastie dinner starring the world famous Linden Lodge Pasties. After dinner lodge was opened in fine fashion.

We had the pleasure of sitting in lodge with many brothers among them was WB Robert Braden, who was Master of Byron Lodge in 1956 and he also presented the working tools, incidentally he joined the craft in 1943. A very nice conferral of the Fellowcraft degree. Also, WB Jim Kerry did a fine job of lecturing and the final charge. Seems like the letter G was done in fine form as well by WB Dale Thomas. A great showing of brothers from AD #20

While driving out to Byron my first thought was wow this is a ways out then it dawned on me. Byron Lodge #80 is a fairly low number. By doing a little research on the Grand Lodge of Michigan web site, I discovered that the lodge was chartered in 1856. Wow....just think back in the day ......way back 1856 there were enough brothers in Byron to form and charter a that's amazing and interesting.

Just a wonderful night in Masonry. These brothers really make you feel at home. If you ever have the opportunity to visit Byron #80 take advantage of it.

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