Thursday, October 25, 2012

Inundations and Conflagrations ??

In the Fellowcraft degree we learn about the two brazen pillars which were cast hollow, the better to serve as a safe repository against all inundations and conflagrations....huh ??

As it turns out they served as a safe repository against flood and fire.....that's right flood and fire.

Inundation---to flood, cover or overspread with water
Conflagration---a destructive fire, usually an extensive one

I've heard these words for many years and just never sought out their definition. In fact I've given that part of the lecture many times and was not sure of the meaning of what I was I the next time I will have a better understanding of that part of the lecture.

We always hear after a degree while remarks are being made that there is much to learn about this craft...truer words can never be spoken. If we delve into the ritual and pick it apart and explore these terms it opens a whole new avenue to this great fraternity we call Masonry.

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