Monday, October 15, 2012

Masonry comes alive

I had the pleasure of attending a Fellowcraft Degree at Linden lodge this evening. Myself along with around 60 brothers witnessed one of the most touching things I have ever seen in any lodge at anytime.

Linden has a brother who has been deaf since birth. This brother who is a little mature asked his father in-law what the brothers were saying when the flag was presented at the altar. His father in-law who happens to be a Past Master of Linden lodge explained that the brothers were reciting the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.

Apparently when this brother was in school they were never taught the pledge and this was many years ago. Probably because he received his education along with other deaf students and they were not able to recite it.

This brother took it upon himself to learn the pledge and how to sign it. Now when the flag is presented he approaches the altar and as the rest of us recited the pledge he signs the pledge. This is something he is very proud of.

This evening was the first time I had witnessed this great event. I have never been more proud of any brother or this great fraternity, it truly brought tears to my eyes and warmed my heart. To think that this man, this brother had journeyed through life and it was this great fraternity that enriched his life and knowledge of this tradition that many of us take for granted.

It was very fitting and ironic that this was taking place before the Fellowcraft or the "education"  degree was conferred. As we all know a part of the Fellowcraft degree deals with the five human senses which includes hearing.

Now to top off the evening this brother was brought to the East along with a couple of other brothers and was presented with a riutal pin which was presented by the District Deputy Instructor.  He received the pin for learning the pledge and how to sign it.

You've heard me say numerous times a great night in Masonry......this was an AWESOME night in Masonry......and I am very glad I was there to witness it firsthand.

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