Friday, December 16, 2011

2 words

During this season of Installations WB Gil Theakston has been busy in more ways than one. WB Gil picked up on two words involved in the rite of Installation, assent and consent. Both of the words are associated with the
Ancient Charges and Regulations which point out the duty of the Worshipful Master of the lodge, each of which the Master must give his unqualified assent. This comes at beginning of the charges and regulations, and at the end, having by your consent to our established regulations signified your intentions well and worthily to administer the duties of your high office.........

In doing a little research it turns out that the word assent means to agree or concur; or to subscribe to an agreement or proposal. In this case the new Worshipful is agreeing to subscribe to the charges and regulations.
WB Gil also pointed out that the Latin root of the word involves think and to feel. So it is intended that the Master think and feel the charges and regulations that he is willingly, and freely subscribing to.

The word consent means to yield or agree; to comply and approve. This is why the words are arranged in the manner they are in the Michigan Monitor. The Master has to give his assent to hear, think about, and feel the charges and regulations. So that in conclusion the Master may give his consent or approval to comply and that he will yield and agree with the Ancient Charges and Regulations.

Many brothers argue that the DDI position is no longer needed because the ritual is printed out. Brothers, my opinion is much different. While the ritual, and the monitor (which has always been printed out) are printed out so all may know the words.........what do the words mean..........why are the words used as they are........thanks WB Gil for pointing this out and educating the brethren.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Flint Lodge #23

Good Morning. I had the pleasure of attending Flint Lodge #23 installation of officers last night. The lodge had asked me to do the welcoming and explain a few terms and a little bit about the Fraternity. Most of the people in attendance were either Masons or family members.....but there was one man in the audience (an invited guest of the JD), who was the perfect age for membership. My whole presentation was directed at one man.........then it came to me.......that's what we need to focus man at a time........sometimes we become overwhelmed when we talk about membership. The key is to focus on one man at a time.......the age old wisdom of how does one eat an elephant, one bite at a time.

Congratulations to WB Larry Wright and his fine staff of officers who were installed under the direction of WB Jim Williams. WB Jim always does a wonderful job of installing.

Anyone who has been around the Flint Masonic Temple during installation season knows Dennis. Dennis is a mentally challenged man now about 60 years old. He loves installations and the Masons. One of his great loves are the programs and pictures of the Worshipful Masters. Last night I arrived quite early and was eagerly greeted by Dennis in the lobby. Up on the blue floor I rustled up a deck of cards and sat down with WB Pete Crane, WB John Porritt and Dennis. As it turned out Dennis and WB Pete were partners against WB John and myself. Pete asked Dennis if he knew how to play to which he said of course, well he didn't know anything about Euchre. With a little help from myself Dennis and WB Pete whooped me and WB John with a score of 10 to 3. I am sure that card game will be a treasured memory for Dennis and it gave me a great feeling to know that we met him on the level and included him, it also gave me a fond memory which I will never forget.

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Hidden Jewel

Newly installed WM Mike Burt said something very profound at his installation. He said that WB Bob Nolen had showed him the "hidden jewel" of Freemasonry, that jewel being traveling. Traveling is an expression used by Masons to mean traveling to other lodges to assist with degree work or just enjoy the fellowship. Come January if you feel like exploring and do a little traveling, you too can discover Freemasonry's hidden jewel. It's always best to have a traveling companion, but if you don't you will find many brothers in attendance you already know and make some new friends as well.

Lapeer Installation

We ventured out to Lapeer to take in their installation. The 160th installation of officers for Lapeer Lodge #54 was performed by all Commandery officers. Working under special dispensation to wear their Commandery uniforms along with their Masonic aprons. Quite a nice touch and very different. Apparently if your last name is Robertson you are expected to move through the line of officers, a very active family in Masonry. Overall a very enjoyable evening followed by a wonderful fajita dinner, wow the steak was incredible. Congratulations to all the officers of Lapeer Lodge #54.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Vienna Installation

I had the pleasure of attending Vienna Lodge #205 installation of officers last evening. It was a great evening with a very nice crowd of attendees. This is a special time of year for the Blue Lodge, it provides an opportunity to share with the public some of our beliefs and practices. Those who were in attendance that have never been to an installation would probably be shocked at just how close the ceremony is to what we observe in closed lodge.

WB Mike Burt who was installed last night invited two of his high school teachers. What a nice touch, these teachers obviously had a tremendous impact on WB Mike, who paid a very nice tribute to them. It's amazing how certain people influenced us so dramatically in our youth.

Clio Chapter Order of DeMolay performed their ceremony of light. Being a Senior DeMolay it holds a very special place in my heart. For some reason last night a certain part of the ceremony rang loud and clear to me. I'm not sure how long the ceremony of light has existed, but one part really stood out to me, and I found it to be most appropriate of the times in which we live and this is how it goes;

Yet we live in troubled times when the bulwarks of the Bible, flag and school books are in danger of sinking into the waste of doubt and uncertainty

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Nothing Bigger

In light of the recent Masonic developments in our great state of Michigan, I have purposely stayed away from the subject until now. The following is my own opinion and does not express nor imply any official position.

There is no brother, no man, no appendant body, no ruling, no opinion greater than this fraternity. While we may struggle within our own boundaries and often outside of our boundaries, Freemasonry will persevere. This great fraternity withstood the dark age of  Anti-Masonic movements, Civil War, the great depression and many other challenges.

..........and thus through a succession of ages, are transmitted unimpaired, the excellent tenets of our institution

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Sent to WB Carl Davis from Okinawa, for thought


Masonic Etiquette

Learn the Do's and Don'ts
of Masonic Etiquette

masonic apron

Unfortunately, Masonic Etiquette ...or Blue Lodge Etiquette, (as it is called in the United States) is largely unpublished as well as unspoken, therefore, up until now, it has been more difficult to learn its rules and nuances.

You may study ritual work, degree work, floor work and know all Masonry’s glorious history, Masonic symbols, jewels, etc. but there is very little written about how to comport yourself so you do not look foolish or be regarded as disrespectful.
Some are small things, and some are not, but your Lodge conduct is continually on display.
Few Masonic mentors include a list of proper Lodge behavior, as they have learned it, themselves, incident-by-incident, and usually learned by them after their having made an error and being kindly informed by another member as to the correct Masonic etiquette of the situation.


Over time, and by watching others, members conform themselves to exhibit proper Masonic etiquette behavior to learn lodge customs.

As a newly Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft or Master Mason, it is expected that you will exhibit the proper decorum and propriety in observance of the formal requirements which govern behavior in polite societies... BEFORE someone takes you aside to explain your errors...or you wouldn’t be reading this.


During his term in office, the brother who has been elected as Master is the most powerful member of the Lodge. He also shoulders all of its many responsibilities.
The Worshipful Master has the authority to:

1. Rule any brother out of order on any subject at any time.
2. Decide what can and cannot be discussed. Should a brother believe that the Master is arbitrary, unjust or unfair or is acting in an illegal manner, he can appeal to the District Deputy Grand Master.

If that officer agrees that the appeal is a valid one, he will forward the complaint to the Grand Master.
If, however, that brother insists on speaking after the Master has ruled that he is out of order, he may be committing a Masonic offense.

Courteous brethren accept the requests made by the Master to serve on various committees such as the examination committee, the investigation committee and other duties, as determined by the Lodge’s needs.

The following items are not Masonic offenses, They are simply a lack of Masonic Etiquette…or in other words, considered to be “bad form” or bad manners.

So… Let’s begin:


Brethren do not pass between the Altar and the East when the lodge is open.

As a courtesy to the Master, it is necessary that the three Great Lights which shine their eternal light and wisdom upon the Master to help him govern the lodge should never be in shadow, not even for a millisecond, during the processes of an initiation or degree work.

Brethren do not take a seat in the East without an invitation... even if all other seats are full.

Why? While all Brethren within a tiled room are equal to one another, and the officers are servants of the brethren, all lodge officers have worked and studied long and hard for their lodge.

It is, therefore, the Master’s prerogative to recognize this devotion and their loyalty by inviting distinguished visitors or a special member whom the Master wishes to honor to sit with him in the East.
In other words, if you were in church, synagogue or mosque and the pews were full, would you go up and sit beside the Pastor, Rabbi or Imam (Muslim Priest)?

Brethren do not enter their Lodge room either without their apron nor while putting on that apron…not even the tying of its strings.

Why? In respect to the formalities of their Lodge, officers expect that the Brethren will have the courtesy to enter it fully dressed and ready for the labor.

They should not have to wait for a member to be fully "dressed", even just tying or adjusting their apron, to salute that member. It is expected that you will be properly and entirely dressed when you pass by the Tiler and enter your lodge room.

No man sits while speaking in the lodge room, no matter if he addresses an officer or another brother.
All lodge activity is based on each man in the lodge as being a servant of the Brethren. This includes the Worshipful Master and his officers.
While the man, himself, who has been elected Worshipful Master does not gain any special honor, personally, as the Worshipful Master, it is to the Worshipful Master as the Master of the Lodge that a member stands to address.

It is simply a form of respect ...and no different than attending a shareholder’s meeting or a City Council meeting.

It is expected that if you wish to address the audience, you will stand so all may see who is speaking.


"Side" talk while a degree is being conferred is considered bad manners.
Why? The lodge room is a Temple of the Great Architect of the Universe. The brethren within are working to make the best ashlars (stones) for His spiritual temple.

Just as it is impolite to talk in a church, synagogue or mosque service, so it is improper to distract the officers, the workers in the degree or the candidate.
Talking without asking to do so shows irreverence for the proceedings. God’s house is not for social conversation within the lodge room. It is for worship and learning the lesson of the day which is being taught.

Unless you have requested of the Master to speak, silence is the rule. This also means no whispering.
HOW? If you have something of interest to say, raise your hand. When the Master recognizes you, you must stand up, and be recognized by the Master to speak. To address the brethren, you should say:

“Worshipful Master, Right Worshipfuls, Worshipfuls, Wardens and Brethren”.
If the Most Worshipful Master is in attendance, you should say:

“Worshipful Master, Most Worshipful, Right Worshipfuls, Worshipfuls, Wardens and Brethren.


If you wish to offer a predetermined motion or matter for discussion, advise the Master beforehand.

Why? Advising the Master before the meeting that you intend to bring up a specific motion or a matter for discussion is an important courtesy.

You may, indeed, do it without advising him in advance, but the Master may have plans of his own for that meeting, for which your proposed motion or discussion may not easily fit into the allotted time frame.
As a courtesy to him, his work, and his dedication to the members, it is best to ask him privately, beforehand, if he will be able to recognize you to speak your purpose. This saves "face" for both of you.

You will not publicly be refused and he will not have to seem disagreeable or arrogant in his refusal of your motion. If you wish to speak, (see number 6.), above.

You must immediately obey the gavel.

Why? Failure to immediately obey the gavel is a GRAVE DISCOURTESY and VERY poor Masonic Etiquette.

The Master is all powerful in the lodge and his word is final.
He can put or refuse to put any motion.
He can rule any brother out of order on any subject at any time.
He can say what he will, and what he will not, permit to be discussed.

Brethren who think him unfair, arbitrary, unjust, or acting illegally have redress.
The Grand Lodge can be appealed to on any such matter. However, in the lodge, the Master’s gavel, which is his emblem of authority, is supreme.

When a brother is rapped down, he should obey at once, without any further discussion. It is VERY bad manners to do otherwise. In fact, it is perilously close to the line between bad manners and a Masonic offense.

Masonic etiquette decries anyone who does not obey the gavel.

Never turn one’s back on the Master to address the lodge without first receiving permission from the Master to speak.

Why? Any debates that are in motion must be conducted using proper Masonic etiquette. One always stands to order when addressing the chair.

Customs differ in various jurisdictions as to the method of salute, however some salute should always be given when addressing the Master.

Two brethren, both on their feet, simultaneously arguing a motion, who are facing each other and ignoring the Master is unacceptable.

Some lodges (not all) offer salutes to the Master. Each of the brethren will salute the Master when they enter and when they leave their Masonic Mother lodge room or any other Masonic lodge room.

Some lodges offer salutes to the Senior Warden.

Why? The Masonic etiquette of saluting the Master is your renewed pledge of fealty and service. It is your public display of decorum before all other brothers of your obligation.

It shows your courteous respect for all that the Master stands for and shows that you acknowledge his authority.
Salutes should reflect your heart-felt respect for all that for which he stands.

The salute to the Master is your pledge of honor and service, your publicly shown obligation. A lazy, sloppy or improper salute is to be Masonically impolite and, thus, to exhibit poor Masonic etiquette.


Do not enter or leave the lodge room during a ballot.

Why? It is discourteous to leave the lodge room during a speech, during a degree, etc. There are several natural periods, such as at the end of one section and before the next begins, or when the Master puts the lodge at ease until the sound of the gavel. Then, and only then, you may leave the lodge without being considered rude.

It is Masonic Etiquette that all brethren are expected to vote when requested to do so.
Failure to cast your ballot not only results in your failure to share in your duties, but is in direct disobedience of the Master’s request.

When an issue is put to a vote, all brethren should vote.

Why? A brother who does not vote is discourteous because he skews the ballot. He becomes the weak link in a strong chain.

No matter what the reason of his non-vote, he injures the lodge’s ballot, its value and its secrecy. Failure to vote can injure a lodge’s feeling of brotherhood, and by that injury, can injure the Masonic fraternity.
No matter what reason you may privately hold about voting, it is poor Masonic Etiquette to fail to vote when requested to do so by the Master.


No smoking in the lodge room.

Why? While there are lodges who allow smoking during the business meeting (and you must be guided by the customs of your Mother Lodge), the ceremonies you take part in and watch are solemn occasions.
In most lodge rooms, it is considered VERY disrespectful to smoke while the ceremonies are taking place. Smoking may take place in other parts of your building or outside and during refreshment.


It is good Masonic Etiquette to accept a request made in the name of the lodge if it is within your abilities.

Why? A lodge is a working "beehive of industry". A request made of you from your lodge acknowledges that the lodge trusts you to competently fulfill such a request based upon your knowledge.


Lodge customs state that no one except for the Worshipful Master or his prearranged designee, may correct any mistake that may occur during the course of a Ceremony, and even he does so only when the error is a serious one.

Why? It is discourteous to point out others mistakes in front of the lodge brethren. If you are in possession of a mind which allows you to be able to perform each and every degree and ceremony, perfectly, please advise the Worshipful Master of such that he may take advantage of your services to mentor others.

Why? Good posture is necessary while within the Lodge room. Lounging, leaning and slovenly attitudes should be avoided.
Poor posture is considered poor Masonic etiquette.

Why? The great lessons of Masonry, which are taught by our ritual, should never be demeaned by levity or pranks.
The lodge room is not a proper location for the telling of practical jokes, pranks, horseplay nor off-color stories.

Why? It is common courtesy to be accurate in speaking a brother’s name, so it is proper Masonic etiquette to address officers, members, and visitors by their correct Masonic titles and addresses.

If a brother should enter the Lodge after the opening ceremony is under way, he should go to the Altar to salute the Master.
If he must leave before the meeting is over, the correct Masonic etiquette of his departure is that he should salute the Presiding Master at the Altar before he departs.
The salute should always be given properly and not in a careless or perfunctory manner.


Freemasonry is worldwide and holds no sectarian views. Non-sectarian means not sectioned into one, specific religion. Freemasonry embraces all religions.

A Mason may choose the religion of his choice in his private life but should be aware and open to the fact that others among the brethren do not necessarily share nor were they brought up with the religious dogmas and beliefs that you, personally, embrace.

Prayers at lodge functions should be scrupulously in keeping with Masonic teachings. The Masonic Etiquette of offered prayers is that they should never be an expression of specific sectarian views or dogmatic creeds.

It is a matter of courtesy that all prayers, speeches and discussions at Masonic affairs avoid sectarian, controversial or political tones.
Prayers are best directed to the Creator, the Master Architect of the Universe and not toward specific religious teachings such as Jesus Christ, Mother Mary, Muhammad, Jehovah, Allah etc.

To do so omits the religions of others within the brethren, which can cause conflict and therefore not be harmonious to the whole.
In the spirit of non-sectarianism, we must remember that since the day that our Creator found that Man created the Tower of Babel to glorify themselves; it is HE who changed man's language into the many diverse languages now spoken on Earth.

In so doing, our Creator has many names across the world.
All cell phones should be turned off before entering the lodge room so as not to disrupt the proceedings.

Masonic Etiquette Summary: Masonic etiquette is simply the rules of good manners which make lodge meetings pleasant for everyone.

The position of Worshipful Master in the East occupies the most exalted position within the lodge.
A lodge which does not honor its Master, no matter how they personally feel about the man, himself, lacks Masonic courtesy.

The honor conveyed by the brethren in electing him, other words, the historical traditions and the men who have gone before you must be given the utmost respect, if the traditions of the Fraternity are to be observed and proper Masonic etiquette is to be maintained.
Masonic etiquette comprises lodge courtesies and proprieties.

Good manners imply observance of the formal requirements governing man's behavior in polite society and a sense of what is appropriate for a person of good breeding with high morals and good taste.

The spirit of brotherly love and affection, by which we are bound together, will be exemplified in our conduct, our carriage and our behavior at all times.

It is my hope that you will use your trowel to cement the stones of brotherly love for the “More Noble and Glorious Purpose” of exhibiting these rules of Masonic Etiquette toward one and all within the brethren.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Master Ritualist

First of all I would like to congratulate WB Norm Anderson on achieving his Master Ritualist status on the tender age of 81. WB Norm has worked tirelessly for the craft and is very deserving of this distinction.

There are many schools of thought on this program. Some brothers know all of the work and feel that the award doesn't hold any great meaning, they feel that they demonstrate their abilities by doing the work. Others feel that it is harder to attain than it actually is. Another group looks at it as a personal challenge and because of their love of the craft want to achieve it for personal and private reasons.

As a holder of the award it was simply a personal challenge and my love of the ritual that prompted me to achieve it. Although a Master Ritualist, it's very hard for me to present a part without 1 or 2 days preparation. However, there are others such as WB Gil, WB Jim Williams, WB Dale Kuehne, WB Al Hunter, WB Norm and many others who can on a moments notice perform parts with grace and eloquence.

Overall I think it's a great program and every brother should embrace it. Although the program is not for every brother, that does not discount it's validity and importance. The brothers who hold this distinction have done it because of their love of the craft and proving to themselves that they are able to display that love through a very outward demonstration. Congratulations again to WB Norm who should serve as an example to all who love the craft.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My Apologies

 Please accept my apologies for not making any new posts as of late. Because of some family issues I have not been in the mood to think about things too deep. Also, on behalf of my family a heartfelt thanks to the many who have offered up our son Aaron in prayer. God is great and working as we speak. Please keep Aaron on your prayer lists. God bless. I hope to be back in groove shortly. Thank you.....Dave

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Little EA Humor

A Candidate for initiation was to be picked up and driven to the Lodge, but before this could happen the car broke down. The Candidate said as it was no great distance he would go on his bicycle.
Just when he reached the top of the hill his chain broke. As the Lodge was at the bottom of the other side and all he needed was a backpedal brake, so he repaired the chain with a cord he had in his pocket and free–wheeled downhill to the Lodge.
Later that evening in reply to a toast in his honor, he said how proud he was to be a Freemason but could not understand, as he had told no one, how the WM knew that he had come on his own free wheel and a cord.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Masonic Wages

What is it that the brethren are looking for? Is it just fellowship? Is it recognition for a job well done?
Every Lodge has brethren that are the movers and shakers, or for a simplier term these are the "leaders".
However, every Lodge needs the brethren that just want to help and be part of selected activities. It is the leaders job to make Lodge enjoyable for all. Many of our meetings can seem boring to our brethren. It doesn't have be be this way. We are a craft that tends to do things the same way year after year. In fact, we usually do it the same way, by the same people, until these people tend to lose their enthusiasm.
It needs to be our goal to help others enjoy their lodge experience, and avoid boredom with their lodge. Part of this is getting them to buy in to the projects and activities of the Lodge. The best way to accomplish this is to get the brethren involved with the decision making process. Find out what they want, why they want it, and how they want to accomplish it.
Let the brethren run with a activity, and then assist them by giving them good counsel. Don't forget their wages for their efforts!
The wages do not have to be monetary. They could be any one of the following:
  • Just saying "Thank You...Job Well Done!"
  • A written thank you to the brother.
  • Special recognition from the Lodge during a regular meeting.
  • A special mention of the Brother's help in the Masonic News or Lodge Trestle Board.
  • Present the Brother with a Certificate of Appreciation.
  • Give Brother special recognition in the Grand Lodge E-News.
  • Have an Annual Awards & Achivement Night and recognize the Brother's accomplishments.

The Awards & Achivement Night should be a great night of fellowship with the Brethren and their wife. This is an opportunity to pass out Grand Lodge recognitions, thank Honorary Members, acknowledge outstanding contributions made to the community by the Lodge or individuals, and acknowledge those who have worked for the profit of the Craft.

However, one of the problems with our fraternity is that we initiate, pass and raise a brother...but do not get them involved at the start of their journey.

Every Lodge should have several Mentors and these brothers should be well versed with the "Mentor Booklet", which can be downloaded from the Grand Lodge website. This Mentor Program will stress education of the brothers through their journey, and developing a friendship in process. If we want our fraternity to grow, we must be ready to invest our resources. The biggest resource needed is our time and effort in PROPER MENTORING.

We need to make an effort to get to know our new and existing members. I would bet you, that some of our existing members would be in need of mentoring. In fact, make an effort and have every active member call and invite several other members to a Lodge Activity. If they attend, get to know them. Find out what makes them tick. Try to pair them up with Lodge Programs that they may have interest in. Maybe even make them a "Leader". Lets get more participation in our activities, and who accident we might even GROW!

Masons shall persevere!

Golden Fleece – Roman Eagle
A frequent Masonic question is “What is the legend of the Golden Fleece and what is its relation to the lambskin apron and Roman Eagle?”
The legend of the Golden Fleece has been handed down from time immemorial. Mythology tells us that the Golden Fleece was supposed by the Greeks to be hidden in a remote land far across the trackless sea. This precious fleece grew upon the back of a ram, the gift of one of their gods. The ram was constantly guarded by bulls that breathed fire and by a dragon that never slept.The promise to the Greeks was (so fable went) that if they could find and recover the Golden Fleece and bring it to Greece, wealth and prosperity would abound in that country.

The hope of redeeming that promise led to the formation of an order which embraced in its membership many of the most illustrious men of that period, who were called Argonauts from the name of the ship, Argo, on which they sailed. Tradition is replete with the daring deeds and suffering of those men in the cause in which they enlisted. The badge of the order was the symbol of a Golden Fleece. At a later, though still ancient, period there was formed among the Romans an order that embraced only those renowned in war. Its symbol was the Roman Eagle.

Of these two orders, the object of one was worldly wealth; the object of the other was military glory. Both orders have faded from the face of the earth, as surely will perish all orders founded on sordid or vain desires.
But allegedly more ancient than the order of the Golden Fleece or that of the Roman Eagle is the order whose badge is a lambskin or white leather apron, whose aim is innocence and purity of life, and whose object is charity. That this order,Freemasonry, has survived, while all others have perished, teaches us that if we live in accordance with its tenets, we, too, shall persevere.
This is taken from a posting on "The Masonic Leader"

Friday, November 18, 2011

Grand Blanc #571

We traveled to Grand Blanc Lodge #571 for the conferral of the Master Mason degree. Two brothers were raised to the sublime degreee of a Master Mason, one from Grand Blanc lodge and one from Goodrich lodge. It was a fine evening with some outstanding ritual work. An excellent turn out considering it was November 17 only two days after the opening day of deer season.

There was a fine compliment of brothers from throughout Ancient District 20 to help confer these degrees. I had the pleasure of sitting in the south and WB Carl D. took the west all under the direction of WB Don M, also I have to congratulate Grand Blanc's senior deacon who did a superb job. In talking to the SD after the degree he said that he wants to nail his part and do everything right for the candidate(s) not his own ego but the candidate, that my brothers is Masonry.

Another wonderful evening in Ancient District 20 masonry !!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Behold how good and how pleasant......

it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.

It is like the precious ointment upon the head that ran down on the beard, even Aarons beard that went down to the skirts of his garments.......Aaron was the brother of Moses and for lack of  better terms, he was Moses' front-man or be anointed with the precious oil was an outward sign of dedication to God and his purposes. The words give illustration that Aaron allowed himself to be enveloped with the oil and permit it to run over and down his body to the very skirts or ends of his garment.

As the dew of further illustration to the cascading effect of the oil or in the case of Mt.Hermon the cascading effect of moisture from the peaks of this extremely large and very tall mountain. Mt.Hermon's elevation is high enough that it has an effect on the atmosphere and creates snow and ice on the cap of the mountain which eventually slowly melts and the moisture cascades down the face of the mountain to allow precious moisture to reach the valleys. This same moisture gives and sustains life.

Such is the nature of unity and harmony among brethren, it starts at the top with God and cascades down through human nature and society. Just as the moisture of Hermon does not reach all areas, and the oil upon Aaron's head did not reach all areas of his garment, unity among men does not reach all areas....thus our challenge.....but BEHOLD how good and how pleasant it is when it does happen.

New Living Translation (©2007)
For harmony is as precious as the anointing oil that was poured over Aaron's head, that ran down his beard and onto the border of his robe.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Star and Garter, etc.

 The origins of the

Golden FleeceRoman Eagle Star and Garter 

Presented at Shelby Lodge  #  662,  F.&.A.M. Waddy, Kentucky
by Bro. Steve Case

as they apply to the lambskin or white leather apron of a Mason 
and the meaning thus conveyed in the Entered Apprentice’s lecture
Brothers, a couple of months ago I was assisting another brother in studying for his proficiency on the Entered Apprentice’s Degree.  That brother would ask, on several occasions, for more information on just what the Golden Fleece, the Roman Eagle, and the Star and Garter meant as it related to the “Badge” of a Mason. 
I will have to admit that my answer was somewhat lacking in detail.  My answer and the answer of another brother present was something along the lines of “they are ancient and honorable orders bestowed upon some individual who has done some great deed.”  But even as I spoke the words, it seemed to me to be an answer lacking in some detail.  I could also tell that our Entered Apprentice was still looking for more information.  Therefore, I have done some research on the topic and hope I can now give a better answer. 
While I did utilize our little library here in the Lodge, the Encyclopedia, and Webster’s Dictionary for source materials, my best source of information actually came from an article on the Internet.  It turns out that Bro. Steven W. Sanford of Fredericksburg Lodge No. 4 in Fredericksburg, Virginia, had already worked up an article on just this topic.  I hereby freely acknowledge his work and thank him for making it available to other brothers. 
Brothers, during your EA Degree you were presented with a lambskin or white leather apron and were told that it, quote; “is an emblem of innocence and the badge of a Mason, more ancient than the Golden Fleece or Roman Eagle, more honorable than the Star and Garter, or any other order that could be conferred upon you at that time, or at any future period, by King, Prince, Potentate, or any other person except he be a Mason.” 
From time immemorial, symbolic emblems, medals, and high orders of recognition were created by those in power to recognize outstanding individuals and to create orders of honor and chivalry.
Golden Fleece    Return to TOP

“More ancient than the Golden Fleece or Roman Eagle.” Sounds like something we may have learned about in high school, in Greek Mythology from “Homer and the Iliad” with Jason and the Argonauts performing a heroic deed in rescuing the Golden Fleece in 939 BC.  Well, you are right.  Mythology holds that the Golden Fleece was supposed by the Greeks to be hidden in a remote land far across the trackless sea. This precious fleece grew upon the back of a ram, the gift of one of their gods. The ram was constantly guarded by bulls that breathed fire and by a dragon that never slept. The promise to the Greeks was (or so the fable went) that if they could find and recover the Golden Fleece and bring it to Greece, wealth and prosperity would abound in that country. The hope of redeeming that promise led to the formation of an order which embraced in its membership many of the most illustrious men of that period, who were called Argonauts from the name of the ship, Argo, on which they sailed. Tradition is replete with the daring deeds and suffering of those men in the cause in which they enlisted.  
Somewhat later, in England, Philip, the Duke of Burgundy, founded the Order of the Golden Fleece in 1429 as an Order equal to the English “Star and Garter” as a means to keep alive chivalry, to honor old knights, and as a means to tie this Order to his title, which would in turn extend his heritage.   The name of the Order and its badge, a pendant sheep’s fleece made of gold, was a new device for the House of Burgundy and was certainly intended to represent the fleece sought by Jason and the Argonauts, an heroic legend which paralleled the Arthurian origins of the Order of the Garter. The adoption of a pagan image as the badge of a Christian Order led to a protest by the Order’s first Chancellor, Jean Germain, Bishop of Nevers, who preferred that it should recall Gideon’s fleece (which was neither gold nor a prize for courage). Later in the century, Chancellor Guillame Filastes added the fleeces of Jacob, Mesa, Job and David to be associated with this image, making six in all and supposedly corresponding to the virtues of magnanimity, justice, prudence, fidelity, patience and clemency. The badge was to be suspended from a Collar adapted from an earlier livery badge to that of a Fire-Steel or (fusil).
Roman Eagle      Return to TOP

The Roman Eagle became the symbol of imperial power about a century before Christ.  It was the most prominent fixture or symbol throughout the Roman Empire intending to remind everyone as to who was in power and it preceded all Roman armies when marching to and from battle.

But, the ritual use of the Apron has a much earlier history than these.  The Bible mentions a garment worn by the High Priest, called the Ephod, described as an apron or skirt covering the body from the waist down, and made of white linen with shoulder straps, possibly a bib. It also had a "girdle", described by the Bible as "curious," with no other details. Elijah and John the Baptist wore aprons of leather.  Isaiah wore an apron of hair-cloth.  Jeremiah wore an apron of Linen.  The ancient Druids wore a white apron for the sacred duty of cutting mistletoe.  Priests of the Roman gods wore white when making sacrifices.  It is obvious that these various faiths chose a white garment to symbolize the importance of purity of heart when going about the work of God.  To us, as Speculative Masons, it is a reminder of our very ancient and divine heritage.
Star and Garter     Return to TOP

Our ritual goes on to describe the apron as being "more honorable than the Star and Garter or any other order that can be conferred”.   King Edward III founded the Order of the Garter in 1348 as a noble fraternity consisting of the King, the Prince of Wales and 24 Knights Companion.  One picturesque version of its founding tells of King Edward at a ball where a lady lost one of her garters.  Bending down to pick it up, the lady blushing and those present laughing, the King remarked, "Honi Soit Qui Mal y
” meaning “dishonor to him who thinks evil of it.” He tied it around his own leg and vowed to turn it into the most honored garter ever worn.  Since its inception, it remains to this day as the highest Order of English Chivalry.  The Order of the Star, created by King John II of France in 1351, was an imitation of the English Order.  The apron as professed by our fraternity confers a greater honor than the very highest orders of chivalry.  But, it also requires an extremely high standard of conduct for he who would dare to wear this emblem.

These Orders do not have much meaning to our present day society, however, during those time periods; non-masons considered these orders to be the ultimate honor that could be bestowed upon individuals.  High honors that we can all identify with today, range from the Medal of Honor to the Nobel Peace Prize.  Either way, our Masonic Fraternity wants each Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master Mason to know that from the very beginning of their Masonic journey, that the ultimate honor that can ever be bestowed upon them is their white leather apron.

In Europe, the practice is that upon initiation you are given an unblemished white leather apron (as we do), and as you progress in the Lodge you are allowed to sew Masonic emblems and symbols of offices you held upon it.  Also each lodge has chosen specific colors for the border of the apron to identify their lodge from others.  Essentially it becomes your own personal visual Masonic record.
 Ending Comments

Brother Sanford, from Fredericksburg Lodge # 4, comments that it is much too easy for us to attach symbols to our lapels, come to lodge, and tie an apron about our waist without pausing to give these emblems even the slightest passing thought.  And finally my Brethren, over the centuries, and in our various lodges throughout the world, we see many varied and ornate aprons.  But remember my Brothers, there is nothing; I repeat nothing, which confers a greater honor than the plain white lambskin that you were presented with upon your initiation as an Entered Apprentice, which you will wear on that journey from who’s borne no man returns, and to that temple not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.
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Friday, November 11, 2011

Birch Run #514

Traveled out to Birch Run #514 last evening. Birch Run had two Entered Apprentice candidates which were brought to light in fine fashion. I filled in as a steward....first time in a very long time, what an awesome way to observe a degree, I had forgotten how enjoyable that can be. The Entered Apprentice degree to me is the most inspiring degree. To be able to assist a man in becoming a brother is truly an honor and privilege.

Sometimes we wonder why we do what we do. I know when arriving at the lodge last night I was questioning myself. My thought was; why am I here? It became abundantly clear after getting into the swing of things and filling in as a steward. The reason for my visit was to not only assist in bringing two men to light but the preservation of the craft and the institution of Freemasonry. Also to reaffirm my obligation and commitment to the building of this great Fraternity.

Unfortunately I had to leave after the first section. Two things really made me feel good as I left. First and foremost, the huge smiles on both of the new brothers. Secondly one of the elder Past Masters came out to where I was putting my apron away, he extended his hand and said, " Brother I just want to thank you for coming out and giving us a hand tonight." Instantly I knew why I was there.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Vienna #205

We had a very enjoyable time last evening at Vienna #205 in Clio, Michigan. The purpose of the
 meeting was to confer the Fellowcraft Degree on a young man who also happens to be a DeMolay.

The degree was performed in fine fashion along with some fine lecturing ( if you exclude mine ) and the recap and letter G was done by a rather mature brother. I deeply regret not being able to recall his name but this brother does that part with such feeling and emotion, his performance is second to none. This brother although very aged and not able to move as easily as he once did takes great pride in this particular part of the ritual. What a contrast to see a brother who has been in the craft for numerous years lecturing to this very attentive and appreciative young Fellowcraft; Freemasonry illustrated for all those in attendance to witness, the very essence of our institution.

This young man who received his Fellowcraft Degree attends one of the local colleges and has formed a Masonic awareness club. He stated that he will be escorting several club members to the various open installation of officers, this will bring some of our rituals and traditions to light for these young men. What a tremendous outreach and innovative idea on the part of this young man. With new members like this our fraternity will carry on and probably grow beyond our imagination.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Social Network

Today the term "Social Network" has become a mainstay in the American version of English and the pop culture of America and most of the world. News has come our way insisting that social networks such as Facebook prompted, organized, and carried some of the uprisings in the Arab world.

Owing to my advanced age I can remember the days before computers were everywhere. Freemasonry was one of the original social networks long before the marvels of today's computer age became so prevalent. Freemasonry provided a means for networking and building social acquaintances and friendships with like minded men. Freemasonry still provides that old fashioned face to face social networking which has been effective through generations.

We learn from many of the younger men who are joining our fraternity that they have done research regarding our organization and in many instances know more of our history than we do. However, the one thing which seems to be a common thread with these young men is that they are intrigued by our history and tradition and are seeking to belong to something with like minded men. They realize that there is a whole new world of social networking beyond the glare of their computer monitor.

........thus was man formed for the social and active life, the noblest part of the work of God

Monday, November 7, 2011

Worthy Grand Patron

Brothers one of our own has been duly installed as the Worthy Grand Patron of Eastern Stars of Michigan. WB Lenzy Lewis was recently installed as the Worthy Grand Patron. I had the pleasure of attending a gala reception for WB Lenzy and his counter part Nancy Martin.

I was in attendance along with several brothers from Mt.Morris Lodge #535 and also saw several brothers from Ancient District #20. It was indeed a very nice evening. The highlight of the reception was Nancy's sister
Mary Jo.....she could easily become a professional stand up comic....she was hilarious and was enjoyed by all those in attendance.

Again congratulations to the team of Martin & Lewis !!!!

Masons make no secret of a desire for new members - Washington Times

Masons make no secret of a desire for new members - Washington Times

This is a very interesting read.....just click on the link and check it out for yourself.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Brother Pilgrim

The Duke...John Wayne after being raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason 1970 in Tucson,  Arizona

To Lead or Not To Lead ???

Some of you who have been around for a long time can remember that getting into the "line" or getting into the moving line of officers one would often be put on a waiting list. I joined the craft in 1983 went into line in 84 as a steward and spent two years as a steward. Then JD, SD and so on. By the time I reached the east I had been in a variety of positions in the lodge and pretty well understood how things worked.

Fast forward 28 years and things in most lodges are quite different. Owing to the reduced population in the area and the much busier lives everyone leads we have situations where it is not uncommon for a brother to get into line at the JW position or higher. This often leads to brothers lacking the needed experience to effectively lead the lodge in growth not only in new members but also meeting the needs of the existing brothers and financial health of the lodge.

We are learning that the younger brothers coming in are not actually wanting a watered down version of Masonry. They are here because of our history and heritage and want that Masonic experience which our forefathers had. Also PGM Bob Conley has spoke to us many times that the new brothers are looking to "belong" to something with other men like themselves, opportunities for family, and opportunities to be an active part of leadership and learning leadership skills.

Fortunately for us our Grand Lodge is rolling out a new Mentor program. The intention of the program is that each lodge will have trained mentors in place to help the new members become familiar with our traditions and to lead them to becoming an active part of the lodge.

We need to adopt the philosophy of line officer leadership that when we put a brother in the Junior Deacon position we are actually putting the future Worshipful Master in line. Unfortunately this is a difficult task in most lodges. There are no waiting lists and we have done a poor job of preparing new brothers for the line. With our re-dedication and the new Mentor Program we can surely overcome this challenge and grow our fraternity.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Three Times the Charm??

As we move closer to December and Installation season I can't help but reflect where we are as a fraternity and how we got here. Thinking back to my DeMolay days, our job was to pull chairs for the various Masonic installations. I remember vividly pulling chairs for WB Howard Durbin's installation and the Flint Masonic Temple was packed to the rafters, probably 400 people in attendance.

At that time GM employed thousands of people, the Flint Masonic Temple was home to 5 Masonic Lodges, 3 Eastern Star chapters, Chapter, Council and a huge Commadery. 2 Jobs bethels, DeMolay, Ladies Shrine, Amaranth and probably others that I can't recall.

Also, we had vibrant lodges in all the outlying areas along with York Rite, Eastern Star, DeMolay and Jobs.

So here we are today. This will be my third time as Worshipful Master and my Junior Warden is a Past Master. The Flint Masonic Temple is now home to 2 lodges, 1 Eastern Star, no jobs, no Demolay and the York Rite bodies are still meeting but the numbers are not there.

We still have many lodges in the surrounding areas....but we travel from lodge to lodge doing the work. As WB Carl Davis maintains we have consolidated already.....we meet in our seperate buildings for our regulars and travel all around the county doing the work. My question is do really need all the lodges we have? Our area does not have the number of people it used to have....we are maintaining these buildings working our heads off to support brick and mortar and then we travel to do the work.

Don't get me wrong....Genesee County or Ancient District 20 is alive and well and is a huge base of Masonic activity for the state but could we be more effective if we only had say 5 lodges? 1-north, 1-south, 1-east, 1-west and 1-central ......who knows I know I don't but we need to look at some options.....everyone is extremely proud of their lodge and it's heritage and rightly we travel this installation season think about this and think about what is right for the fraternity and the craft.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Lighten Up

Now for something completely different

This month is election time for most lodges
Congratulations to all the officers elect for
the upcoming Masonic year !!!!



 Justice as divine command

Justice as a divine law is commanding, and indeed the whole of morality, is the authoritative command. Killing is wrong and therefore must be punished and if not punished what should be done? A famous paradox called the Euthyphro dilemma essentially asks: is something right because God commands it, or does God command it because it's right? If the former, then justice is arbitrary; if the latter, then morality exists on a higher order than God, who becomes little more than a passer-on of moral knowledge. Some[who?] Divine command advocates respond by saying that the dilemma is false: goodness is the very nature of God and is necessarily expressed in His commands. Another response is that the laws and moral principles are objective and self evident in nature. God embodies these laws and is therefore neither higher nor lower than the law. He sets an example for the good people among men to follow His way and also become an embodiment of the highest principles and morals.

Justice as natural law

For advocates of the theory that justice is part of natural law (e.g., John Locke), it involves the system of consequences that naturally derives from any action or choice. In this, it is similar to the laws of physics: in the same way as the Third of Newton's laws of Motion requires that for every action there must be an equal and opposite reaction, justice requires according individuals or groups what they actually deserve, merit, or are entitled to. Justice, on this account, is a universal and absolute concept: laws, principles, religions, etc., are merely attempts to codify that concept, sometimes with results that entirely contradict the true nature of justice.