As I've mentioned it's not a lack of experiences to share. This will shock a few but I have to share our experience last evening at Fellowship Lodge #236 last evening. We gathered for a Master Mason degree at Fellowship Lodge which meets at the Swartz Creek Masonic Temple. Keep in mind we had a King Solomon's Club event in Linden where the Master Mason degree was conferred the evening prior.
Both events had over 40 in attendance and last evening was probably closer to 50. Fellowship has been struggling trying to find it's way while sharing facilities with two other lodges. Thankfully the Worshipful Master Austin Conquest is serving his third consecutive term to keep stability in leadership and he has done a great job.
Last evening the brethren showed up in force and put on an extremely great Master Mason degree. We were also honored by the presence of several of our brothers from Eureka Lodge PHA including the Worshipful Master. In fact I believe there were 5 sitting Worshipful Masters in attendance along with 7 Grand Lodge representatives.
It was just one of those magical evenings in Masonry, the work went very good. The lectures were spot on, the vocals on the song was tremendous, Honorary Member WB Eddie Booth PHA served as Junior Warden and WB James PHA gave the final charge.
This will resonate in my memory bank for a long time to come. It was an incredible evening and a testament to the Craft as a whole. Just when the critics say we are on our death bed we have the opportunity to enjoy a wonderful evening and demonstrate that the glass is half-full and increasing everyday. Freemasonry not withstanding has still survived.
...Masonry unites men of every country, sect, and opinion and conciliates a true friendship among those who might otherwise have remained at a perpetual distance.
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