This has been quite the interesting week in Masonry. We actually started off last Saturday by visiting Roseville Lodge for an all-degree day. That Masonic Temple is just a very fine specimen of what lodge rooms should aspire to be. We were able to stay for the Entered Apprentice and Fellowcraft degrees which were very well done and interesting in their interpretation.
Monday we had a King Solomon's Club Round-Robin at Linden Lodge and conferred the Master Mason degree on a very worthy brother from Swartz Creek Lodge. There were about 40 brothers in attendance for a great portrayal of the Master Mason Degree.
Tuesday at Fellowship Lodge the Master Mason was conferred on one of their very worthy brothers. The attendance was near 50. This was fantastic coming on the heels of Monday night. WB Austin Conquest of Fellowship Lodge put on a Master class on how a Worshipful Master should conduct the Master Mason degree.
Wednesday at Metamora Hadley was a Fellowcraft degree with 20 brothers in attendance. An excellent degree with the Worshipful Master doing his first degree along with the Senior Warden, another great evening in Masonry.
Thursday closed out the week with a Fellowcraft degree at Vassar Lodge. There were probably 30 in attendance for a fantastic degree on a very attentive candidate, and again the work was done very well.
To the nay-sayers and the skeptics it's hard to say that we are on the decline when just in our little slice of the world we had such a plethora of activity.
The glass is above half-full my brothers. Hopefully we continue on this trend, I am convinced that we will because success breeds success.
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